Islamiyah Ciputat Vocational High School is a private day school in South Tangerang, Banten for grades 10 through 12. This school has 5 vocation courses : PC Support and Networking, Cookery, Marketing, Accounting, Office Administration
Video Islamiyah Ciputat Vocational High School
Islamiyah Vocational High School was established in 1965 by Drs. H. Zarkazih Noer who is also the founding father of Islamiyah Foundation.Before the foundation have their own building,they have held the courses in various School There are few of extra-curricular such as The Sacred Flag Hoisting Troop,marawis,Basketball,Band,etc. One of achievement of Islamiyah's team of The Sacred Flag Hoisting Troop is to become the representative of Tangerang in National-level.
With the vision to produce youth with talent,intelligent,and good religion aspect . In hope that not only vast knowledge but also good spiritual aspect as a Moslem that will apply in their future as a result of their education in Islamiyah Vocational High School
Maps Islamiyah Ciputat Vocational High School
National Curriculum developed by the Department of Education of Indonesia
- PC Support and Networking
- Cookery
- Accounting
- Marketing
- Office Administration
- Sports Field
- language laboratory
- Computer Laboratory
- Networking Laboratory
- Marketing Laboratory
- Accounting Laboratory
- Office Administration Laboratory
- Student Council Office
- musholla / musala
- Library
- BC Mart
- Cafeteria

- English Club
- Boy Scout
- Sacred Flag Hoisting Troop
- Futsal
- Basket Ball
- marawis
- Band

Competition of Student's Competence 2009/2010
South Tangerang 2nd cluster level
1st place PC Networking Support 1st place Accounting 2nd place Web Design 3rd place Graphic Design 3rd place Marketing
South Tangerang city Level
1st place IT PC Networking Support 1st place Accounting
Banten Province level
3rd place IT PC Networking Support Runner Up Accounting
Non Academic
1st place of IT quiz hosted by UIN Jakarta 2nd place Blog-making of South Jakarta Finalist of Sacred Flag Hoisting Troop Jabodetabek
Competition of Student's Competence for 2nd cluster level. 2011-2012 (2011,25-26 February)
1st place IT PC Networking Support 1st place Accounting 1st place Marketing 1st place Office Administration 1st place English Debate 2nd place Web Design 2nd place Graphic Design 2nd place Indonesian Language
Anti-Drugs & HIV-AIDS South Tangerang city level (September 2010)
1st place Poster making 2nd place Sticker Design 2nd place Poetry making and reading
Competition of Student's Competence for 2nd cluster level. 2012-2013
1st place English Debate 1st place Accounting 1st place Marketing
Competition of Student's Competence for South Tangerang city level 2012-2013
1st place English Debate 1st place Marketing
LP3I Cup 2011-2012
1st place English Speech 1st place Accounting
Indonesian State College of Accountancy English Club High School Mini Expo 2013
1st place English Speech 2nd place Spelling Bee

Teachers And Staffs
- Mulyono, S.Pd
- Dian Rostikawati, SE
- Edwin Fauzi, SE
- drs. Mas'ud
- drs. Hilmudin
- Amrullah, SE
- Oom Rahmawati, SE
- Hendra Bayu Suseno, M.Kom
- drs. Oding
- drs. H. Muchtar
- Heriyanto, S.Pd, M.Si
- Hasan Basri, M.Kom
- dra. Sunanih
- Tatang Sudrajat, S.Pdi
- Rahmat, S.Pd
- Fuad Faisal, M.Si
- drs. Alwi Suyatna
- dra. Yuyun Yuliani
- Zainudin Zakaria, S.Pd
- drs. Udin Nurudin
- Teguh Martono BA
- Ismul Bathni, ST, M.Pd
- Romli, SS
- Aep Saepulloh, S.Pd
- Rahma Rahim, S.Sos
- drs. H Amel Darmawel
- Mulyadi, M.Pd
- Abdul Muslim, S.Pdi
- Gilang Nugraha
- Zikri Isna Turmudzi, S.Si
- Usep Ajar Sudrajat, S.Pd
- Nurdini Tilova, S.Pd
- Dina Amaliyah, S.Pd
- Sukron, S.Kom
- Ratna Cahyaningtyas, S.Kom
- Ahmadi

External links
- Islamiyah Ciputat Vocational High School's Official Site
Source of the article : Wikipedia